What Is A Psychedelic Trip Like?

When it all came crashing down.

Good morning,

The question I’m asked most often is: What is a psychedelic trip like? 🍄

(If you don’t feel like reading, you can scroll down to the video I created where I share my own experience of a psychedelic trip. But, I hope you’ll take the time to read what follows because it will give you a real picture of what it’s really like!)

Well, that is the million dollar question because it’s different for every one of us! And the truth is, for most people who have never experienced a psychedelic trip, there is a great deal of fear and trepidation because it is to enter the unknown in a way that you have no frame of reference.

What I’m hoping, in today’s newsletter, is that I can provide you with some ways of thinking about this that will put your mind at ease, will leave you feeling like this is not something to be afraid of and for you to feel you can explore the possibility from a place of curiosity and not fear.

The truth is, everything you experience during a psychedelic trip already exists. It’s all in your mind and what you’re doing in a psychedelic trip is accessing what is already there so you can take it and help you to heal from whatever you’re struggling with.

So with that, let’s start with the questions that are probably what you most want to know!

🎦 What Will I See?

It’s different for everyone but, from a technical standpoint, many people report seeing visual changes when they look around (if they are not wearing a mask or nightshade over their eyes). For example, you might be looking at a tree and it will be moving. It’s kind of like when your vision is out of focus. Some say that everything is very vivid and filled with bright colors. Many times they will see fractals that are kind of like mandalas. It could also be that images that are far away in the distance will seem like they are up close like when you see an airplane in the sky but it looks like it’s close enough to touch.

🧠 From a meaning standpoint, people will report that they have seen loved ones who have passed (or are still alive) while others say they see what looks like still images from different locations or times in their life. These are all meaningful things to people and represent deep emotions associated with these people or things, perhaps a lack of closure around the loss of a loved one.

You might see things that are fragments of memories. You might see large (or small) animals. You might see images that represent certain challenges in your life such as an image of a lot of eyeballs because you are suffering from social anxiety and have a hard time being in groups of people because you feel like people are looking at you. What you see will usually provide you with insight into what you are struggling with and allow you to explore the feeling of it without having intense emotions associated with it. In doing so, your body and nervous system get more comfortable with what you are struggling with which makes it much easier to deal with and ultimately come to terms with and heal from.

🛩️ Let me give you an example. For most of my life, I was afraid of flying. I didn’t know why but before each flight I took, I would be virtually incapacitated for two weeks prior to the flight. I would have nightmares leading up to the flight. During the flight I would feel like I was dying because there was no way for me to get off of the plane once it took off. I would do everything I could to avoid flying. I would also take anti-anxiety medication to deal with the flight and I would be exhausted from all of the anxiety for weeks after the flight was over. Needless to say, it was terrible!

So, how would this manifest in a psychedelic experience? It’s possible that I might find myself inside a plane before it took off. I’d see myself sitting in a seat. I’d look around the plane. I’d start to realize that I wasn’t having my usual intense reaction to being on the plane and that’s because the psychedelics work on the brain in a way that it shuts off all of the intense anxiety we feel about various things and just allows us to have the experience without having any emotions associated with it. In a way, the psychedelics allows us to go into our experiences without having to feel them.

We’re able to evaluate what we’re seeing from a place of “why am I so anxious about this, there’s nothing here for me to be concerned with”. And then, what’s likely to happen is an awareness that being inside the plane feels like you’re trapped. Feeling trapped is something you felt when you were a child and couldn’t get out of a threatening situation. As an adult, you took that experience as a child and associated it with flying because while it’s true, in a sense, that you’re “trapped” on a plane once it’s in flight, it’s not the plane and flying that you’re afraid of, it’s the feeling of being trapped but in fact, your adult self is not trapped, it was your younger self and being on the plane is triggering that feeling of being trapped.

You can actually come to that realization while you’re in this “scene” during a psychedelic trip. What happens as a result is when the trip ends, you walk away from it having a new understanding of what’s actually going on for you. You then begin to detach the emotions emanating from the original experience from what’s happening in your life right now. With time, it’s likely that you will have little, if any, feelings associated with flying. This applies to other forms of anxiety.

So, now, let me share with you my own experience of what a psychedelic trip is like from one of my own!

In the next newsletter, I’ll be answering additional questions such as:
➡️ What does it feel like?
➡️ Is it scary?
➡️ Am I going to lose my mind?
➡️ Will I be the same person afterwards?

I’ll be answering each of these questions in detail so make sure to keep an eye out for it!

Thanks so much for joining me today! I look forward to bringing you more helpful information that can assist you in your exploration of Self-Care Through Psychedelics! ❤️


Arlene Battishill, Ph.D., Founder, Psychedelics for Success

So, that brings us to a close for today. If you’re looking for help or additional information, here’s here’s how we can help you.

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