More on What Psychedelic Trips Are Like

Psychedelic Trip Examples Explored

Good morning, and welcome to Self-Care Through Psychedelics, our continue journey within!

As promised in the last newsletter, there were some questions remaining about “What is a psychedelic trip like?” In particular:

➡️ What does it feel like?

➡️ Is it scary?

➡️ Am I going to lose my mind?

➡️ Will I be the same person afterwards?

So, let’s get started!

❓ What Does It Feel Like?

So, what does a psychedelic trip feel like? Well, it’s kind of hard to describe because it kind of feels like going to the movies! 🎦

You go to the cinema, you get your popcorn, you find your seat, you settle in, the lights go out, the trailers come on, and then the movie starts. That really is, in fact, what it’s like! Only the cinema is inside your head and that’s where the “film” is playing! 🍿

As with most movies, they start out pretty tame, where you get familiar with the locations, the characters, the backstory, all the stuff that is the setup to what’s going to happen in the movie. And then as the movie continues, it starts to get more intense.

You become more involved in the story and you react to the things you’re seeing but you know you’re in the theater and you’re just observing what’s on the screen so even if it’s a scary scene, you know it’s not really happening, it’s just part of the story. Same thing with a psychedelic trip.

After you’re about half way through the movie, there’s actually an intermission of sorts! Yes, you DO get a break in the middle of it! It’s nice because if the story was pretty intense along the way, you get some relief from it where you’re completely lucid and aware of your surroundings, you might even get up to eat something or go to the bathroom and then you settle back in to your seat and wait for the second act!

And then, it starts again! The story takes on velocity and you’re gaining momentum as the images appear on “screen” and you’re taking in all the information and you’re feeling the intensity of the “story” as it progresses and all the while you might be laughing or crying, or in some cases throwing up, because what you’re doing is allowing your body to expel all of the negative energy it has stored from all of the traumatic experiences throughout your life and you’re just letting go of all of it.

Your body is being given permission to exhale and just let go in a way you’ve never felt before and as you cry the last tear, or laugh the last laugh, you find yourself come back into your body in a way that you know you have come face to face with what has ailed you your entire life and that you are now going to breathe in a fuller, more satisfying way and that the healing has finally begun.

👹 Is It Scary?

Scary like in horror films where the tension builds and the music gets intense and the camera is doing things to suggest foreshadowing and then things jump out of nowhere and you scream? No! That’s not how it works! You are not going into a horror show!

“Scary” isn’t quite the right word for it. Will you be afraid? Maybe, but in all likelihood you’re already afraid of whatever is dogging you and causing your suffers and coming face to face with what you’re afraid of can feel scary. BUT, the beauty of psychedelics is that they allow you to come face to face with what you’re afraid of and not have intense reactions to them where you are re-traumatized by the experience.

Let me give you a personal example.

🚨 In The Room Where It Happened (Trigger Alert!)

During one of my psychedelic trips, I found myself moving from one “scene” into another. I suddenly found myself facing a wall. I turned to my right and saw the bookcase that was in my parent’s bedroom when I was a child. I continued turning around and saw the entire bedroom and my nine-year-old self laying face down on the bed. This was the room and bed where I was violated.

I looked around the entire room. I didn’t have any feeling or emotion, only curiosity about the fact that I was back in that room again. I was fully aware that I was in the middle of a psychedelic trip. I was aware of where I was laying on the beach in Jamaica where I had gone for this psychedelic retreat. I knew who my life partner was back at home. I was completely aware of everything and my real self and real life. I knew that I could get up and go to the bathroom if I wanted or needed to. Nothing felt weird about any of it. I actually marveled at the fact that I was revisiting a place that produced so much terror for me as a child and yet had no emotional reaction or fear. It was like I was stepping back in time to a place that was frozen in time for me and I needed a way to move forward. I walked up to my child self and whispered “everything is going to be okay.”

At the start of the next psychedelic trip which was a few days later, I encountered my nine-year-old self again! She was outside playing, full of life and laughter and lightness. I approached her and she said “you know, you don’t have to worry about me, you need to get on with your life” and that is exactly what I did because the relief I felt as a result of that trip left me feeling like the burden I had been carrying my entire life had been lifted and that I could move forward in my life, despite what had happened to me and that it no longer had the power to define or direct my life.

🤯 Am I Going To Lose My Mind?

“No!” It’s as simple as that! Your mind is not going anywhere. Your mind will still be there after your journey!

What you are likely to lose is a lot of the anxiety that has been dogging you for your entire life.

It won’t go away immediately but it WILL ease as you go through the integration process where you’ll be able to address the insights you gained through your psychedelic journey and you’ll start on the path to healing.

😮‍💨 Will I Be The Same Person Afterwards?

The simple answer is “Yes!”, you will be the same person afterwards, with one exception: you will emerge from a psychedelic trip with a newfound understanding of the things that have been troubling you and have new insights that can help you navigate your path forward to healing.

Imagine what it would feel like to start each day knowing that you are addressing the real source of your pain and suffering instead of the “stand-ins” that have distracted you for years and led you down paths that haven’t yielded the results you’ve needed.

It’s like having an action plan that can deliver results instead of everything you try that gets you no closer to you feeling better.

So, will you be the same person afterwards? Yes, but you’ll be on your way to being the person you want to be!

And with that, I hope this has been helpful in bringing you to more of an understanding of what psychedelic trips are like and how they can benefit you.

Know that the journey is different for each of us and only you can know whether this is a path you want to travel.

All my best,


Arlene Battishill, Ph.D., Founder, Psychedelics for Success

So, that brings us to a close for today. If you’re looking for help or additional information, here’s here’s how we can help you.

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